HOME>Eating In Paradise
Because of our remote location, Hotel Las Las Caletas Lodge’s rates include half board, providing two nutritious and delicious meals a day (breakfast and dinner), implementing a fusion of Costa-Rican and European cooking techniques. Additional lunch is available.
Our open-air dining room is the heart of the property, with a gorgeous ocean and forest view. The dining room serves as the ideal setting for sharing your day’s adventures with other travelers from around the world.
“Good Food, Good Friends, Good Company The guests are met, the feast is set. Talk much, Sit long, Eat well. Las Caletas Lodge“

We serve delicious and nutritious health-conscious meals including fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, meats and poultry, freshly baked bread and delicious homemade desserts. We also serve fruit juices with the meals. Soft drinks and alcoholic beverages are not included, but available to buy.
Breakfast includes fresh fruits and cereals, followed by a second plate, such as, french toast, typical “gallo pinto”, eggs and potatoes, omelette and others. Lunches are light and fresh and may include burritos, empanadas, spaghettis or fried rice. Dinner will begin with a delicious soup or salad, followed by the main course and a dessert.
Special diet and vegetarian meal plans are also available. Due to our logistics we do serve all meals at set hours.

“I like to use ‘I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter’ on my toast in the morning, because sometimes when I eat breakfast, I like to be incredulous. How was breakfast? Unbelievable.”
Demetri Martin

“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.”
Douglas Adams

“Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.”
Ernestine Ulmer

“The word entrée is French. It originally denoted the “entry” of the dishes from the kitchens into the dining hall.”

“The most substantial course of a meal:it is vital to have a light first course and pud on either side of a heavy main course.”
Oxford Dictionaries

“I don’t go long without eating. I never starve myself: I grab a healthy snack.”